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Version: 4.0

Persistence Configuration


This guide covers a few configurable values that affect throughput, latency and I/O characteristics of a node. Consider reading the entire guide and get accustomed to benchmarking with PerfTest before drawing any conclusions.

Some related guides include:

Overview of Persistence in RabbitMQ

Modern RabbitMQ versions provide several queue types plus streams:

  • Quorum queues: replicated, durable, data-safety oriented
  • Streams: a replicated, durable data structure that supports different operations (than a queue)
  • Classic queues: the original queue type, single replica only starting with RabbitMQ 4.0

These queue types have different storage implementations and applicable configuration settings that can be tuned are also different.


Streams use a log-based storage mechanism and keep very little data in memory (primarily the operational data that has not yet been written to disk). Nonetheless they offer excellent throughput when clients use the RabbitMQ Stream Protocol.

Since streams are very disk I/O heavy, their throughput degrades with larger messages. They benefit greatly from modern SSD and NVMe storage.

Streams offer no tunable storage parameters related to storage.

Quorum Queues

Quorum queues use a log-based storage mechanism implemented by RabbitMQ's Raft implementation. They keep very little data in memory (primarily the operational data that has not yet been written to disk).

As quorum queues persist all data to disks before doing anything it is recommended to use the fastest disks possible.

Due to the disk I/O-heavy nature of quorum queues, their throughput decreases as message sizes increase.

The primary storage-related setting that can affect quorum queue resource use is the write-ahead log segment size limit, the limit at which WAL in-memory table will be moved to disk. In other words, every quorum queue would be able to keep up to this much message data in memory under steady load.

The limit can be controlled

# Flush current WAL file to a segment file on disk once it reaches 32 MiB in size
raft.wal_max_size_bytes = 32000000

Because memory deallocation may take some time, we recommend that the RabbitMQ node is allocated at least 3 times the memory of the default WAL file size limit. More will be required in high-throughput systems. 4 times is a good starting point for those.

Classic Queues

Classic queues have two storage implementations available to them: v1 (the original one) and v2 (available in RabbitMQ 3.10 and later versions).

Queue Version

Since RabbitMQ 3.10.0, the broker has a new implementation of classic queues, named version 2. Version 2 queues have a new index file format and implementation as well as a new per-queue storage file format to replace the embedding of messages directly in the index.

The main improvement from version 2 is improved stability while under high memory pressure.

In RabbitMQ 3.10.0 version 1 remains the default. It is possible to switch back and forth between version 1 and version 2.

The version can be changed using the queue-version policy key. When setting a new version via policy the queue will immediately convert its data on disk. It is possible to upgrade to version 2 or downgrade to version 1. Note that for large queues the conversion may take some time and results in the queue being unavailable while the conversion is running.

The default version can be set through configuration by setting classic_queue.default_version in rabbitmq.conf:

# makes classic queues use a more efficient message storage
# and queue index implementations
classic_queue.default_version = 2

How Classic Queue v1 Persistence Overview

First, some background: both persistent and transient messages can be written to disk. Persistent messages will be written to disk as soon as they reach the queue, while transient messages will be written to disk only so that they can be evicted from memory while under memory pressure. Persistent messages are also kept in memory when possible and only evicted from memory under memory pressure. The "persistence layer" refers to the mechanism used to store messages of both types to disk.

On this page we say "queue" to refer to a non-replicated queue or a queue leader or a queue mirror. Queue mirroring is a "layer above" persistence.

The persistence layer has two components: the queue index and the message store. The queue index is responsible for maintaining knowledge about where a given message is in a queue, along with whether it has been delivered and acknowledged. There is therefore one queue index per queue.

The message store is a key-value store for messages, shared among all queues in each vhost. Messages (the body, and any metadata fields: properties and/or headers) can either be stored directly in the queue index, or written to the message store. There are technically two message stores (one for transient and one for persistent messages) but they are usually considered together as "the message store".

Memory Costs

Under memory pressure, the persistence layer tries to write as much out to disk as possible, and remove as much as possible from memory. There are some things however which must remain in memory:

  • Each queue maintains some metadata for each unacknowledged message. The message itself can be removed from memory if its destination is the message store.
  • The message store needs an index. The default message store index uses a small amount of memory for every message in the store.

Message Embedding in Queue Indices

There are advantages and disadvantages to writing messages to the queue index.

This feature has advantages and disadvantages. Main advantages are:

  • Messages can be written to disk in one operation rather than two; for tiny messages this can be a substantial gain.
  • Messages that are written to the queue index do not require an entry in the message store index and thus do not have a memory cost when paged out.

Disadvantages are:

  • The queue index keeps blocks of a fixed number of records in memory; if non-tiny messages are written to the queue index then memory use can be substantial.
  • If a message is routed to multiple queues by an exchange, the message will need to be written to multiple queue indices. If such a message is written to the message store, only one copy needs to be written.
  • Unacknowledged messages whose destination is the queue index are always kept in memory.
  • Two writes are still required when version 2 is used.

The intent is for very small messages to be stored in the queue index as an optimisation, and for all other messages to be written to the message store. This is controlled by the configuration item queue_index_embed_msgs_below. By default, messages with a serialised size of less than 4096 bytes (including properties and headers) are stored in the queue index.

Each queue index needs to keep at least one segment file in memory when reading messages from disk. The segment file contains records for 16,384 messages. Therefore be cautious if increasing queue_index_embed_msgs_below; a small increase can lead to a large amount of memory used.

OS and Runtime Limits Affecting

It is possible for persistence to underperform because the persister is limited in the number of file handles or async threads it has to work with. In both cases this can happen when you have a large number of queues which need to access the disk simultaneously.

Too Few File Handles

The RabbitMQ server is limited in the number of file handles it can open. Every running network connection requires one file handle, and the rest are available for queues to use. If there are more disk-accessing queues than file handles after network connections have been taken into account, then the disk-accessing queues will share the file handles among themselves; each gets to use a file handle for a while before it is taken back and given to another queue.

This prevents the server from crashing due to there being too many disk-accessing queues, but it can become expensive. The management plugin can show I/O statistics for each node in the cluster; as well as showing rates of reads, writes, seeks and so on it will also show a rate of file handle churn — the rate at which file handles are recycled in this way. A busy server with too few file handles might be doing hundreds of reopens per second - in which case its performance is likely to increase notably if given more file handles.

Classic Queues v1: Alternate Message Store Index Implementations

As mentioned above, each message which is written to the message store uses a small amount of memory for its index entry. The message store index used by classic queues v1 is pluggable in RabbitMQ, and other implementations are available as plugins which can remove this limitation.

The reason they are not shipped with the RabbitMQ distribution is that they all use native code. Note that such plugins typically make the message store run more slowly.